Man is the only animal the ears of which are immoveable.
It is from the natural flaccidity of the ear, that the surname
of Flaccus is derived. There is no part of the body that
creates a more enormous expense for our women, in the
pearls which are suspended from them. In the East, too, it
is thought highly becoming for the men, even, to wear gold
rings in their ears. Some animals have large, and others
small ears. The stag alone has them cut and divided, as it
were; in the field-mouse they have a velvet surface. All the
animals that are viviparous have ears of some kind or other,
with the sole exception of the sea-calf, the dolphin, the fishes
Among the winged animals, only the horned owl and the longeared owl have feathers which project like ears, the rest having only cavities for the purpose of hearing; the same is the case, also, with the scaly animals and the serpents. Among horses and beasts of burden of all kinds, it is the ears which indicate the natural feelings; when the animal is weary, they are drooping and flaccid; when it is startled, they quiver to and fro; when it is enraged, they are pricked up; and when it is ailing, they are pendant.